Saturday, July 31, 2010

Donate Washer And Dryer

Crostata cioccolato e ribes

aaaaaaah here you made a beautiful cake for a dinner with friends ...
Tantooooo cioccolatosaaaaaaa!

Although the photo makes it a little ... it was evening and I could not find the right light acciderbaccio> ___ < la torta si presentava piuttosto bene e non so voi ma a vederla mi faceva una gola impressionate!!!

The idea was to rewrite the recipe paro paro ", but, with my friends, I found that the chocolate was too bitter indeed, but with the currant actually tied very much!
I will do it again, probably by adding a bar of milk chocolate and when I tried the recipe right then post it ^ ^

Bye Bye!

Which Pedal Death Metal

Continuando a creare...

Well ... even if there is no monster in my mind this time is a real volcano of ideas! ^ ^
There have been some changes ... well ... viedo, yesterday! XD
Deadly how it can change everything in a hurry this time and in what respect?? Well I'll be on this mysterious rivlato ... you will in due course!
In the meantime, here's my little program creative ^ ^

September: The month of big purchases, I think I will buy several sheets of felt and fabric stores to the British ... and from there you start to recreate:)
Months later: Opening negoziettto page on Facebook and online ... we hope to make it in time before the end of the year!

Also because in reality, except for times when I will work with the kids (for those who still do not know the baby sitter;)) and those that attend (I hope) un corso professionale per "animatore di comunità" (sempre sperando di riuscire ad iscrivermi per settembre) ed escludendo i momenti di uscita intensa/allenamento col mio cagnole E (non ancora finoto che credete XD) le uscite in tutto relax con fidanzato e amici...bah tutto sommato il tempo che mi avanza lo impiegherò per lavorare creativamente!
La vera sfida sarà riprendere la macchina da cucire...sono troppo irrequieta per i lavori di precisione, ma magari cominciando con quelli facili facili ^^
Speriamo bene!!! :D


Saturday, July 24, 2010

License Plate Adapter


Ebbene cominica subito...
Ma penso di essere più o meno giustificata della mia assenza! In ballo ho un bel progettone and in these weeks that I create are informed of the bureaucracy to open a beautiful store! : D
morning after the first blow of the scale XD (damn sweet ... in settmane I took two ste aaaaaaaaaaaaah two pounds!) Pannolenci I think I'll start a little bit! So ... let's work!
tuttiiiiii nice weekend!!