Monday, December 27, 2010

Wedding Card For My Sister

that there place is a very sensitive news to me.
Yesterday on the web (including some sites dedicated to Sarah), I read a news about her husband Freddie.
I wanted to think about before you post on the blog because I do not like speaking ill of the privacy of others, but I decided to write it for you fans of Sarah equally.

Freddie Prinze Jr sued for a car accident ....

Sarah and her husband, actor Freddie Prinze Jr are now located in the middle of a very delicate case ..... the U.S. website TMZ said Freddie had recently caused a small auto accident and the victim has decided to capitalize on the fame of the actor and his wife to extort more money. Here's the story from TMZ:

Freddie Prinze Jr. è stato citato in tribunale con l'accusa di aver schiacciato la vettura di sua moglie nella parte posteriore di un altro veicolo. Alcune persone presenti sostengono che l’uomo ha riportato ferite molto gravi. Quest’ultimo deve sottoporsi ad un intervento chirurgico al collo.

Secondo i documenti legali ottenuti da TMZ, nel 2009 Prinze era alla guida dell’auto immatricolata alla moglie Sarah Michelle Gellar, quando "improvvisamente e senza preavviso" è andato addosso ad una vettura ferma al semaforo rosso.

Il guidatore the other car, "the victim" has revealed that he reported the injury to the neck and since then has not been 'able to work as before. He would need to undergo major surgery to be able to resume his normal life.

Sources close to the alleged victim said the man did not really intend to terminate the plaintiff to justice - but was convinced by his insurance company, so that this' last has the money.
According to reports, the man would have requested something in six figures ....

Non ci sono al momento commenti da parte dei rappresentanti di entrambi i coniugi.

Source : TMZ


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