Monday, January 31, 2011

Chemical Powered Toy Car

the web I found a lot of information on the series "RINGER", I made a summary of questions and answers.

Entertainment Weekly, has interviewed Peter Trangott, executive producer of Ringer asking him what it's about the serial.
Here is the information of Ringer's executive producer, star of Sarah Michelle Gellar and network CBS.

E' un thriller che parla di redenzione e vendetta.
La trama si basa sulle vicende di due gemelle cresciute separatamente a causa di una tragedia .
Una di loro è in cerca di redenzione l'altra di vendetta.
La prima ha vissuto una vita problematica,quando la gemella scompare decide di prendersi la sua identità, non sapendo che quest'ultima è piena di complicazioni e pericoli.
Una di loro muore in un incidente su una barca,l'altra sorella diventa lei per scoprire la morte della gemella che non è was causal.

Sarah has decided to return to TV two years ago, but the series for HBO has not gone beyond the pilot.
The Gellar was much more concerned 'with cable TV and network generalists.
Now the difference between a network and the other is not great, and you can make a show of quality.
When we read the script written by Eric Ringer Charmel and Nicole Snyder Gellar fell in love with it.
We worked on the project for about a year, Sarah was not initially convinced the idea to bring the series to a large network because 'they would change the essence of the show, but in the end when the project came CBS loved it and Sarah has changed my mind.

Certainly, both sisters will play Sarah, the other one is Bridget is Siobhan.
The sisters are reunited after having been separated for so long, they do not Upon your Siobahn died by falling from the boat.

Siobahn Dies At first, We will see in flashbacks?
Yes, see you in flashbacks.
would compare Ringer Damages to one of my favorite shows.
Ringer follow his way of telling the present through the past.
if CBS orders a full set, the audience discovers what happened between Bridget and Siobhan.

Si, saranno contenti.
All'inizio Sarah ha esitato sul ruolo per rispetto dei fans.
Lei e il suo manager hanno cercato un ruolo che fosse apprezzato dai fans che hanno seguito la serie di Joss Whedon.

E' uno show differente dal serial di Buffy e Sarah interpreta il suo ruolo magnificamente.
Quindi Sarah è riuscita a conferire un'unicità both, as both good and bad.
In Cruel Intentions played the role of the bad, so she is able to play both sides.
Buffy was a heroine unlike Bridget and Siobhan, but the public can only root for Bridget and imperfect, and even if it has a dark side.

BRIDGET WILL 'heroine?
No, Bridget is not a hero.
E 'shows a different ... It is a thriller.
Show different sides because of Sarah his character is complex and interesting than the role of Buffy, but at the same time, fans will be able to worship.

WHICH WILL BE 'THE RINGER SIZE? Procedural or serialize?
Our authors have provided a broad arc for the first few seasons.
beginning Bridget is determined to find out who killed her sister.
Week after week there will be episodic stories: Bridget finds herself living the wonderful life of his sister, his relations with her husband to live drovrà Siobahn not has ever known and he thinks he knows.

After reading the script he immediately fell in love, NinaTassler and his team went crazy for this show.

We are involved with casting, we are looking for a director.
We plan to run for mid-March.

Sono un grandissimo fan di Sarah, come produttore voglio che questo show vada in onda e seguire settimana dopo settimana Sarah in tv.
Siamo tutti eccitati, i fans l'adorano, la CBS l'adora... Noi lo stesso...
Speriamo che tutto funzioni.

Fonte :  Gellarfan

Cat Steroids Flea Allergy

a bit 'for updates ........

in this period when I had almost given up for the full blog, so many fantastic things have happened to me, I have contacted two other places very interesting and challenging to work with them and appeared in an article in the December issue of the journal "capodopera" arts and crafts .

adesso vi parlo dello spazio Meme "una galleria espositiva,una vetrina per materiali culturali auto prodotti,un teatro di performance ed eventi, una sede per corsi e laboratori" e conta anche con un angolo bar con prodotti a impatto zero e un shop dove vendono prodotti artigianali e di disegno e tra questi potrete trovare alcuni dei miei lavori, le Marleen, la serie Recycle e qualche lavoro più in pasta polimerica.
Qui sotto potete trovare due delle mie creaturine esposte per la vendita (la Marleen urban style e la lisca della serie RECYCLE) insieme ad altri oggetti.
per chi vuole andare a conoscere e sfruttare del suo ricco programma di attività and exhibitions this is the address:

via Giordano Bruno 4 in Carpi (Modena),

The other person who contacted me was a Floriana brave girl with so much determination and desire to do and above all with very clear ideas and who created this place fabulous unusual betting on handmade, where you could spend hours discovering every single item and why not, enjoying a tea while Flo tells you the history of things that there are

but to explain the well doodle I take the words of its Flo:
" the scrawl is a shop where they are produced ordinary things in extraordinary ways. the scrawl is a place where you learn the best knowledge is knowing how to do that ... .

and here in the photo above and below that in my work you can find there to flourish.
I have to say are in good company with the jewelry of pearls of wisdom , Cartaessenza , bush setting and a long, long etc. for those interested this is the address:
il Ghirigoro bottega
vicolo Milani n.11 - Fidenza, Parma, Italy

e bene questa ultima foto che vi posto è da un posto di cui vi ho già parlato Orange Bleue Mode di Valentine per la quale avevo fatto 4 Marleen coi look del suo catalogo, ed ecco qui una foto dove si vedono esposte 2 di loro ma che ormai non trovarete più perchè tutte hanno trovato la loro nuova casa!!!

devo dire che ogni volta che guardo queste foto e vedo i miei lavori esposti in un negozio mi fa' un certo senso, provo qualcosa tra il compiacimento e la vergogna, quasi almost impresses me!
but what I do not want to leave again and thank these people for his courage to go fiduccia and roads made by betting on the hand made!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

95 Arctic Cat Pantera Fuel Injected...

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Sarah Michelle Gellar on LA5


Since last January 25, 2011 clear channel on Digital Terrestrial LA5 (Channel 30) began broadcasting at 14:00 on the fifth season Buffy The Vampire Slayer episodes two at a time :-)
programming continues today with episodes 5x03 and 5x04.

Cystic Fibrosis Seizures

back with "RINGER"

Hello everyone, I'm back ...
I'm slowly recovering ...
Thank you all for your support and comments posted to the blog. :-)
Let us now turn to the latest news about Sarah.

Sarah Michelle Gellar BACK WITH RINGER

The wait is over, after a long pause, the actress Sarah Michelle Gellar back on TV with a new series called "Ringer."
This new draft was written by Eric and Nicole Snyder Charmel (Supernatural), Gellar is also the co-executive producer of the show along with ABC and CBS.
The plot of "Ringer" is based on story of a girl on the run from the mafia problem.
Vulture (Sarah Michelle Gellar), is losing its tracks by assuming the identity of his rich sister, unaware of the fact that it rests on the head of a reward for whoever kills.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Installing Flush Exterior Outlets

HELL IN ART - Art White Night (Parallel event of Bologna Art Fair) Serraglio APA (Bologna)

HELL IN ART - Art White Night (Parallel event of Bologna Art Fair)

Serraglio APA (Bologna)

Saturday 29 January (Art White Night) and Sunday 30 January

exhibitions and installations - Group Exhibition and istallations

Cari amici - Dear friends

Sono lieta di invitarvi ad un evento organizzato dall'Associazione "Vitruvio" che si terrà nel centro di Bologna in occasione di Art White Night, la notte bianca, evento parallelo di Bologna Arte Fiera. Esporrò alcune delle mie sculture sul tema dell'acqua in un venue molto speciale: il serraglio dell'Aposa, uno spazio letteralmente underground.

I'm glad to invite you to an event organizated by the Association "Vitruvio" that will be in the city center of Bologna, in occasion of Art White Night, a parallel event of Bologna Arte Fiera. I will exhibit some of my sculptures with the topic of water in a very special venue: the Serraglio of The Old Aposa River, Literally underground space from the Middle Ages.

Saturday 29 from 20.30 to 24.00 (ART WHITE NIGHT)
Sunday 30 from 16.00 to 20.00 on a Rubbiani
entry angle avenue Panzacchi

Saturday 29 from 20:30 to 24:00 (ART WHITE NIGHT)
Sunday 30 from 16:00 to 20:00
Rubbiani street entrance, corner with Viale Panzacchi

Free Access - Free access -January-hell-in-art-for-Qarto-white-nightq.html

'll be waiting! - I'm looking forward to seeing you.


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Best Way To Remove Mildew From Boat Seats

Sarah Michelle Gellar, Freddie Prinze Jr

wanted to inform me that the blog will remain for a while still ....
For personal reasons I will be away ...
not worry, I return the blog will be updated with all the news.
