Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Cystic Fibrosis Seizures

back with "RINGER"

Hello everyone, I'm back ...
I'm slowly recovering ...
Thank you all for your support and comments posted to the blog. :-)
Let us now turn to the latest news about Sarah.

Sarah Michelle Gellar BACK WITH RINGER

The wait is over, after a long pause, the actress Sarah Michelle Gellar back on TV with a new series called "Ringer."
This new draft was written by Eric and Nicole Snyder Charmel (Supernatural), Gellar is also the co-executive producer of the show along with ABC and CBS.
The plot of "Ringer" is based on story of a girl on the run from the mafia problem.
Vulture (Sarah Michelle Gellar), is losing its tracks by assuming the identity of his rich sister, unaware of the fact that it rests on the head of a reward for whoever kills.


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