Tuesday, August 17, 2010
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"MINT ODÜSSZEUSZ" - "Like Ulysses"
A kiállítás to XVIII. Salvatore Quasimodo Ünnepség eseménye, és az UNESCO egyben A Kultúrák Közeledése Nemzetközi Évének hivatalos rendezvénye.
The exhibition is an event of the XVIII International Poetry Prize Salvatore Quasimodo and at the same time is a program of UNESCO in the International Journal for the rapprochement of cultures.
2010. 3 szeptember - október 3
3 September to 3 October 2010
Vaszary Villa
Balatonfüred, Honvéd utca 2-4.
A kiállítás az Olasz Kultúrintézet és Balatonfüred együttműködésében jött létre.
La mostra è nata dalla collaboazione tra l'Istituto Italiano di Cultura ed il comune di Balatonfüred.
Megnyitó – Inaugurazione
2010. szeptember 3. péntek, 18:30
Venerdì 3 settembre 2010, ore 18.30
A kiállítást megnyitja Salvatore Ettorre, az Olasz Kultúrintézet igazgatója és Barabás Lajos műgyűjtő
La mostra sarà inaugurata dal direttore dell'Istituto Italiano di Cultura Salvatore Ettorre e dal collezionista ungherese Louis Barabbas. The opening
Elia Macro and piano followed by a reception. L'
inaugurazione sara song seguita concerto di pianoforte ed un Macro eseguito Elia da cocktail.
"Like Odysseus'
Sara Berti Italian sculptress" Like Odysseus "exhibition at the Villa Vaszary Balatonfüred Balatonfüred, the Italian Cultural Institute and co-operation was established. Sara Berti
a few years ago in his hometown of Bologna and lives and works in Budapest, so his works intertwined with the Italian tradition of figurative art and the impact of modern and contemporary Hungarian art. Despite the young age of many national and international exhibition of his work, public works, fees, and document the work of catalogs.
this issue of the poetic movement of thinking about the man born in the spirit, emphasizing the importance of travel, the development of the body and the body in motion, its relationship with the environment, all in the language of painting and sculpture tale narrated. A better understanding of the importance of movement
Kurdy cite the words of author John White, who művésznőről analysis, said: "The individual pieces, which are both subject and form of the unity of body image, recall stories about your body and conceptions of ourselves, our bodies to the starting point and the same point of arrival. The motion. Mozgásainkat, which is always the current time, space, spiritual and intellectual situations are useful. In each and every move represents, if it starts from the inside, the depths of the soul and body, and arrives at the space, ie one of us, the alteritásba to provide them something for having broken the nyugalomtól, and realize something of the motion to return to immobility. And the secession movement and the return and send a report to give to the world. "
" Come l'Ulisse "
La Mostra" Come l'Ulisse "scultrice italiana della Sara Berti, Presentate Vaszary nella Villa Balatonfüred, è nata dalla collaboazione tra l'Istituto Italiano of Culture and the town of Balatonfüred.
Sara Berti, a number of years living and working in Bologna, his hometown and Budapest, forceful in its production, the Italian figurative tradition and the influences of modern and contemporary Hungarian. Despite his young age has an active international exhibitions, public works, awards and numerous publications.
This exhibition is a reflection on the poetic movement of man, giving meaning to the trip, to changes in the body itself and the moving body in relation to its surroundings, all told through sculpture and painting.
To better understand the meanings she attributed to the motion would include the writer János Kurdy Fehér that in a text dedicated to the sculptor, wrote: "The individual pieces unify the image and the shape of the body at the same time evoke in us all our imagination and our stories about the Corps, about ourselves, our departure from the body, and our return to it. Movement. Our movements that always have a value in a specific situation in time, space, soul and intellect. Each of our movement represents these things, when part of our internal, from the depths of the soul and body, and goes into space, that is in our midst, in altering, to communicate something, the reason for being detached from the quietness, for understand something through this movement, and finally to return to immobility. In the return movement of the detachment and give meaning to the world. "
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