Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Quotes On Confidentiality In Counseling

Spilletta in 5 minuti

Ieri ho avuto 5 minuti creativi XD
L'anno scorso comprai durante i saldi una maglietta veramenteeee molto comodain un negozio in centro a Firenze, dalla spaventosa cifra di ben 2 euro O__O
Solo ch ein questi giorni a forza I had to put it ... bored, that's where I got the idea for a badge ^ ^

frightening in its simplicity this brooch was created and is not in 5 minutes XD
applied over its layers pannolenci a flower stolen from my stash ... I think I'll scrap the like in the future, but I think I will use as the basis of the felt rather than felt, which is a little softer!
Comunuqe I can assure you that the overview of the shirt is completely different! ^ ^


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