Monday, September 27, 2010

Can Toyota Tacoma Pull Horse Trailer?

........ and I finally agreed to make a new post!

And so, I finally decided to write a new post, and I must say that it is almost as was for the first time I lost the habit ......... after nearly three months, I understand true?

Well I do not vanish more and go straight to show the newcomer, a doll named Marleen that the Pasión for fashion, in his presentation today and wanted to look like a real superstar

But as he likes to do the mysterious .......... by Marleen you, we appreciate your already wonderful clothes and accessories now come out and so my friends can finally meet you

Finally! and yes, I must say you really are ............. spectacular look with this gold, but perhaps find it more appropriate for red carpet at a party or billionaire, is not that you have a dress more suitable for a rainy Monday?? yes, quiet please come ..................

siiiiiiiiiiiiii beautiful with this complete collection of Céline pret a porter Fall Winter 2010/11,
and as you see does not miss anything, the stock market and heeled boots dorato tutto Céline !!!!

ma questo è solo un assaggino , Marleen da buona fashionista ha un guardaroba enorme, se volete scoprirlo e conoscere le cose per cui va matta non perdetevi i prossimi post!!!!

buona settimana a tutte!!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

How Much Does It Take To Build Tidal

Di tutto un pò!!!

aaaaah ... I'm producing a machine in 'sti days, oh, maybe I could do even more, but I am still a human being and as such I have to store food and My social relationships, so obvious ... me good! XD So here's
alcune anticipazioni...
Prima di tutto alcuni anelli in fimo montati due giorni ho altri, ma aspetterò a mostrerveli non appena comprerò le basi, anche se su qualcuno non sono poi così sicura ^^

Poi una decorazione per la finestra !!!

Di questa ne vado davvero fiera! :D

E una piccola spilletta fatta stamani...

In più altra novità del giorno ho chiamato qualche associazione pro-loco e domani dovrei sapervi dire con esattezza a quali mercatini parteciperemo I my friend Rose! : D
I can not wait!
And then .... and then our shop uuuuuuh approaching ...!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Wha Were Your Pregnancy Symptoms

Un pò d'autunno...

Yesterday I experienced the bitumen! Wow!
I liked very much the effect of giving! : D
And now here are some tests I did yesterday and installed this morning ...

Here two rings ... The following is a pin rather large (6 cm in length)

tonight or tomorrow I think I'll do another roundup of material fall ... I have to really put in the markets for the next few months!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

How Infectious Is A Chest Infection


Well I'm giving it to the blank folle, la verità è che non ho poi così tanto tempo per fare altro...quindi fustello e monto, fustello e monto!
Ecco qui qualche lavoretto di questi ultimi due giorni...

Fermapacchi ^^

Queste sono solo due di alcune stelline che presto finirò di montare...

Bene bene...adesso si è fatta l'ora di portare il mio cagnolone fuori, una volta tornata proverò le due nuove fustelle che mi sono arrivate questo pomeriggio!!!
Buona Serata...
Bye Bye

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

How Much Can I Get For A Small 10in Color Tv

Calamite e Specchietti

Sono arrivatiiiiiiiiiiii!!!
Ecco le mie calamitone e i miei specchietti ^ ^

The diameter of both is 59 mm.
magnets and mirrors of the alien cactus are sold out. But in about a month
reach new designs and more tanteeee pins, both in that mini maxi: D
oraaaaa I can not wait! Uhuhuhuhuh!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Find Organix Baby Food In The United States


Yes, I and my amicozza Rosa we are preparing to great for our Christmas markets in two months we reckoned to have produced tanteeeeeeee little things: D Here
anticiapazioni of small trinkets made today .. .

fiorellininevosi They are hanging from a tree or anywhere should: D
But these are only the first of many! Soon we will have available, many Christmas trinkets and the great showpiece, a wonderful website where you can buy online titled "The Creative Workshop" of Rosa and Sara .
I can not wait ... and then ... and then the packages next week I'll also ... not to mention those of our business cards .... uuuuuh much work! What joy!! A

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Motherboard With 8 Pin Cpu

Vernissage:" MINT ODÜSSZEUSZ "-" Like Ulysses "SARA BERTI kiállítása

Salvatore Quasimodo

evening and is immediately

"Everyone is just the heart of the earth
pierced by a ray of sunshine to átdöfött mit egy nap sugar, and is now
evening. " And suddenly


"Everybody is standing in the heart of earth, what
átdöfött a ray of the sun, and suddenly

can translate Géza

Sara honoring the request, after you get home and pulled out some catchy quotes kötetemet Quasimodo, Odysseus, the Greek and Roman Culture is the opening text of a poem I was looking for.

Sara Berti and Salvatore Quasimodo is the art of connection - the genre, despite differences – kézenfekvő. Mindketten anyanyelvként birtokolják az antik hagyományt, és a föld, a víz, az ember, az emberi lélek rezdülései nagy jelentőséggel bírnak műveikben.

A közvetlen mediterrán vonatkozások helyett azonban mindig visszatértem az És hirtelen leszáll az estéhez. Nem hagyott és azóta sem hagy nyugton, annyira egyetemes és annyira egyéni, egy emberhez, hozzám szóló.

Így vagyok Sara műveivel is.

Apró bronzcsomókból épített, karcsú embereket látunk rögzülve egy-egy mozdulatba.

Szinte mindig magányosak, those without head and face, sometimes just the legs and trunk.

belehasítanak the space of bodies, organic lines of force form, the statue of Sara's words, "a gesture in space, like a sea wave."

Water analogy is not accidental, often forming part of the water works of representation. Paintings highlighting what the color blue, and the transitions in the cover, the other way, the sculptures are displayed.

a figure enter the water, immersed in the water to another. The kinked shape of the flow of water plunge, it reinforces a sense a mellette, hasonlóan ívelő nád.

Megjeleníti a mozgást, kimerevíti, időtlenné teszi a pillanatot.

A koncentrált gesztust érezzük festményeinél, grafikáinál, az egy-egy gyors, határozott ecsetvonással készült alakoknál és sajátos módon a szobroknál is.

A szobrok felülete láthatóan őrzi az alkotás folyamatát, az ujjak lenyomatát az olvadó viaszon, a mű keletkezését, fejlődését, a művész párbeszédét az anyaggal és saját érzéseivel, gondolataival.

A rücskös, damaged surfaces acting honestly show the paths of change, the individual, megismételhetetlent. The works

feelings, convey ideas and provide opportunities for us to reflect on the látottakról. Is not provoked, but rather to think, to talk to motivate oneself and others.

referring to Odysseus: both live in us inventive, sokattűrő Odysseus' journey to the Mediterranean world and the fact that many people this is not real, but is considered an internal trip.

Honest, the reflecting both tradition and modernity in the works of such worlds to explore and understand our own journey towards a lure, makes Sara Berti.

get to the option!

Louis Barabbas (collector)

Monday, September 6, 2010

How Do Stoplights Work

Blog candy!!!

Here are three great giveaway in which I participate!
(click on image to get some information più ^^)

Forza datevi da fareeeeeee!!! ^^

Is It Legal Valium Bali


Uuuuuuuuuuuuuh!!! Inviato ordine!
Sono stata indecisissima fino all'ultimo se comprare la meravigliosa Big Shot ... ma alla
fine ho ceduto!!!
Anche perchè ho pensato che obbiettivamente mi avrebbe facilitato il lavoro! Fare spille con i fiori sarà molto più veloce in questa way, do not you??
For now, I bought it only two punches, one with the snowflakes (and those with cabbage I cut them from me XD) to make the decorations above the windows and a punch with three different tii flower to assemble! To do as many different decorations spilleeeeee! ^ ^
Whenever I get the chance I'll buy more! For today I have already spent enough! If
then I think I make purchases for the polymer clay I fear for my finances, but infuse the market and stand at the shop waiting for me! ;)
's all a great investment!
If any of you have already tried this amacchina let me know! Even where you buy usually dies for example!
Grazie ;)
Un bacione e buon Giornata!!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Eighties Aerobic Costume


Eeeeh beh non mi sono messa ancora a lavorare in maniera tosta sulle creazioni, ma mi sto decisamente dando da fare con la fotografia...
Ecco qualche altra foto...
Sto pomeriggio devo vedere di compicciare qualcosa con le creazioni però mia "estetista" ^^ mi ha proposto di riempire uno stand nel suo studio!!! Devo creare-creare-creare...e poi tra qualche mese il mercatino di natale...creare-creare-creare!!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Metatarsalgia Or Fracture


Ebbene si sono tornata! :D
E devo say I was really good ... in the end we visited Athens and Santorini tuttaaaaa ... sorry there is so much to leave: (Soo
still exhausted, I spent almost three hours and a half riseistemare only some 722 of my photos are O__O uffialmente exhausted!
Now I relax seriously ... I'm going to immerse myself in reading a little ^ ^
In the meantime, here are some photos taken directly from my Flickr concerning, for now, only Athens ...

As you can see anything at the beach in these photos ... soon ... and soon those of Santorini after ringranato a little bit too new creazioncine! ^ ^ A
prestoooo! Bye Bye

Diovan More Drug_warnings_recalls

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